Sunday, September 5, 2010


Welcome to our new "The Adventures of Gorilla Bob" blog!
Here we will be talking about all things "Gorilla Bob" as we continue to work on this 12-chapter action/adventure serial.

Two of the most common questions I get asked are: "When will it be finished" and "When will I be able to see it?" Well, the answers to these questions keep changing. Our target completion date for the serial is 1st quarter 2011, but if we encounter production delays that could change. As for when it can be seen, well, it has to be completed first. Once we have a complete production in the can then we will start looking at our distribution options. That's all I can say for now. I will most likely give a sneak peek of one of the chapters (maybe the first 5 minutes) on our Facebook fan page once editing is complete and there will be lots of behind-the-scenes footage posted after each shoot.